Our izwi elihlangene izokwenza umthelela omkhulu ekwehliseni ukungalingani komhlaba wonke ekufinyeleleni ekunakekelweni kwezingane okuseqophelweni eliphezulu impilo yonke kanye nokuzalwa kwenhliziyo.

Umgomo Wethu

Reduce global inequities in access to quality pediatric and congenital cardiac care including timely diagnosis, treatment and lifelong care of pediatric and congenital heart disease through new and improved global and national policies and investments in services for pediatric and congenital heart disease.


Bangaphezu kuka-1,500 abameli nezinhlangano ezivela emazweni angaphezu kwama-90 ukhiphe ucingo oluhlangene ukuze kuthathwe izinyathelo eziphuthumayo zokubhekana nomthwalo womhlaba wonke wezifo zenhliziyo zezingane kanye nezazalwa nazo kuholele ekutheni Ingqungquthela Yomhlaba Yesi-8 Yezokwelapha Zenhliziyo Nezokuhlinzwa Kwenhliziyo ngo-Agasti 2023. Kusukela lapho, i Call to Action has already served as an impactful advocacy tool and has been shared with key leaders at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, the United Nations General Assembly, various Ambassadors and high-ranking government officials, and leaders in the pediatric & congenital cardiac community. 

Global ARCH kanye neChildren’s HeartLink yethulwe ngokusemthethweni a I-Global Coalition ngesikhathi Continuing Action on the Global Burden of Pediatric & Congenital Heart Diseases webinar on January 9th. The Coalition aims to contribute to reducing inequities in access to quality pediatric cardiac care in low- and middle-income countries through collaborative global advocacy efforts. 

Call to Action

Global Coalition Resources

Dlala ividiyo

Nahimeh Jaffar 

Nahimeh Jaffar ine wasebenza njengoMphathi Wephrojekthi (PMP) oqinisekisiwe emikhakheni eyahlukene, okuhlanganisa Impilo Yomphakathi, i-Biotech, kanye ne-Pharmaceuticals, esebenza ngaphakathi kwezilungiselelo zomtholampilo ezifana nezibhedlela nemitholampilo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, usebenze nemiphakathi yomhlaba wonke e-Afrika, e-Caribbean, naseMpumalanga Ephakathi, esekela amaphrojekthi ahlukene wezenhlalo. UNksz. Jaffar ubambe iqhaza ezinhlelweni zezempilo zokuvikela ngokubambisana neCentre for Disease Control (CDC, USA) kanye neCentre for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS, USA).


Ms. Jaffar uneziqu ze-MBA kuBusiness Development azithola e-Swiss Institute of Higher Management, e-Vevey, eSwitzerland, kanye neziqu ze-bachelor ku-Consumer Affairs azithola e-California State University, e-Northridge, e-USA.

Amy Verstappen, uMongameli

U-Amy Verstappen ubengummeli wesiguli nomfundisi wezempilo kusukela ngo-1996, lapho izinselelo zakhe zokuphila nokukhubazeka kwenhliziyo eziyinkimbinkimbi zamholela ku-Adult Congenital Heart Association, lapho akhonza khona njengomongameli kusukela ngo-2001 kuya ku-2013. Usebenze njengomeluleki Izikhungo Zokulawulwa Kwezifo iNational Heart, Lung and Blood Institute; kanye ne-International Society for Adult Congenital Cardiac Disease, futhi wasebenza namaqembu eziguli zenhliziyo ezizelwe kanye nezobuchwepheshe kulo lonke elase-USA nasemhlabeni jikelele. UNksz Verstappen wathola iMasters in Education ngo-1990 neMasters kwi-Global Health ngo-2019.