Announcement: Kate Doherty-Schmeck joins Global ARCH as the first full-time Executive Director

Global ARCH / Announcement: Kate Doherty-Schmeck joins Global ARCH as the first full-time Executive Director

Announcement: Kate Doherty-Schmeck joins Global ARCH as the first full-time Executive Director

We are very excited to announce that as of October 1, 2023, Kate has joined the Global ARCH team. She has already earned her stripes by volunteering her time to accompany us to the World Congress and UNGA2023 – both ahead of her official start date – where her leadership and enthusiasm were very much appreciated. Kate’s experience includes working in various areas of healthcare, beginning with her journey in public health, patient safety and quality, international health, and most recently US value-based care. The proudest and most impactful area of Kate’s career was managing the International Quality Improvement Collaborative for Congenital Heart Disease (IQIC) and multiple global projects at Boston Children’s Hospital. Throughout her travels and career, Kate has consistently been reminded how passion, dedication, and collaboration impact this work. She truly believes there is no limit to what can be accomplished and that the most powerful voices are the patients and their families.

Personally, Kate’s brother, Joe, was born with congenital heart disease. His care journey supported by their parents not only enabled him to live a full life becoming a proud dad but also inspired Kate to pursue working in the cardiac space.

During her free time, she and her husband enjoy chasing their two little ones and and very active dog around. Welcome Kate!

Global ARCH

Nahimeh Jaffar 

Nahimeh Jaffar has worked as a certified Project Manager (PMP) in various fields, including Public Health, Biotech, and Pharmaceuticals, working within clinical settings such as hospitals and clinics. In addition, she worked with global communities in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East, supporting various social impact projects. Ms. Jaffar has been involved in preventive health initiatives in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control (CDC, USA) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS, USA).


Ms. Jaffar holds an MBA in Business Development from the Swiss Institute of Higher Management, Vevey, Switzerland, and a bachelor’s degree in Consumer Affairs from California State University, Northridge, USA.

Amy Verstappen, President

Amy Verstappen has been a patient advocate and health educator since 1996, when her own challenges living with a complex heart defect led her to the Adult Congenital Heart Association, where she served as president from 2001 to 2013. She has served as an advisor to the Centers for Disease Control the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute; and the International Society for Adult Congenital Cardiac Disease, and worked with congenital heart patient and professional groups throughout the USA and the world.  Ms. Verstappen received a Masters in Education in 1990 and a Masters in Global Health in 2019.